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RFS Release Note iOS

1,141 bytes added, 3 years ago
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'''Real Flight Simulator v.1.3.5 - 2021-06-17'''<br />
- New Aircraft B747-8I<br />
- Major rework on B787-8<br /><br />
Bug Fixes:<br />
- Fix fake new liveries on aircraft rework<br />
- Fix multiplayer debriefing error 1074 (flow updated)<br />
- Fix disconnection popup background clickable<br />
- Fix pax evacuation replay animation<br />
- Minor fixes polar map<br />
- Fix create livery concorde wing positioning<br />
- Add background on upload popup<br />
- Fix some aircraft title covered in 4:3 7"" device<br />
- Fix EFT not aligned in game ui FMC/BottomInfo<br />
- Fix B737/B small gear part not reflecting light<br />
- Fix airplane underground on resume with terrain mode changed<br />
- Fix WP hud not updated on atc command<br />
- Fix ai airplanes replay disappear<br />
- Fix rare SD airports terrain compenetration<br />
- Fix sat terrain flicker at high altitude in certain points on some devices<br />
- Fix Monitor UI interaction glitch on multi tap<br />
- Calibrated S340 speed indicator<br />
- Fix Concorde ground check<br />
- Fix floating pilots in external view<br />
- Fix fog at high altitude<br /><br />
'''Real Flight Simulator v.1.3.4 - 2021-05-20'''<br />

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