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Real Flight Simulator

36 bytes added, 6 years ago
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* ; '''General'''*:* Title: Insert the title of your flight plan*:* Description: Insert the description of your flight plan*:* Tags: insert any tags of your flight plan separated by space (example: “Asia Rain Singapore”)
* ; '''Date/Time'''*:* Custom/Real: Choose real time or customize with any setting*:* Date: Tap on the date to change it*:* Time: Move the slider to change it
* ; '''Flight Plan'''*:* See your planned route. Tap on ROUTE SELECTION to change/select your route
* ; '''Aircraft''': See your currently selected plane.*:* CHANGE: change your currently selected plane*:* Fuel: Move the slider to change quantity*:* Passengers: Move the slider to change quantity*:* Cargo: Move the slider to change quantity
* ; '''Metar - Departure''': Sets your departure weather*:* Custom: move sliders to change weather settings*:* Real: real weather conditions*:* Random: random weather conditions
* ; '''Metar - Arrival''': Sets your arrival weather*:* Custom: move sliders to change weather settings*:* Real: real weather conditions*:* Random: random weather conditions
[[File:GamePause 01.png|700px|none|middle|thumb]]
* ; '''Date/Time'''*:* Custom/Real: Choose real time or customize with any setting*:* Date: Tap on the date to change it*:* Time: Move the slider to change it
[[File:GamePause 02.jpeg|700px|none|middle|thumb]]
* ; '''Aircraft'''*:* Fuel: Move the slider to change quantity*:* Passengers: Move the slider to change quantity*:* Cargo: Move the slider to change quantity
[[File:GamePause 03.png|700px|none|middle|thumb]]
* ; '''Weather''': Sets your current weather*:* Custom: move sliders to change weather settings*:* Real: real weather conditions
[[File:GamePause 04.png|700px|none|middle|thumb]]
* ; '''Failures''': All failures are global and apply to all airplanes.*:* Custom/Random/Off: Choose your failures, get surprised by random failures or switch them off*:* Move the failure list up/down to scroll it and see all available failures*:* Move the slider of each failure to set it at the desired frequency or move it all the way to the left to switch it off
[[File:GamePause 05.png|700px|none|middle|thumb]]
'''EXIT: Leave the flight'''
* ; If you Exit you will have access to:*:* EXIT: Back to main menu*:* TRY AGAIN: Restart your flight*:* REWIND: Return to your flight as it was one minute ago*:* REPLAY: Look at your replay
* '''CALIBRATE''': Tap to calibrate and return to your flight

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