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Translations:RFS Release Note/258/en

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'''Real Flight Simulator v.1.3.8 - 2021-08-04'''<br />
- New rain effects on aircraft and interior views<br />
Detailed effects of the rain on different internal cameras and on the overall aircraft<br />
- New rain sounds SFX<br />
Improved rain sound added to increase the immersive atmosphere that weather options can create<br />
- New WIPER command<br />
Command panel WIPER added to control the frontal wipers<br />
- New MAP monitor<br />
A more realistic and readable MAP monitor has replaced its previous version in the cockpit<br />
- New animation for pilots using the throttle<br />
New animation added, where the pilots actually handle the throttle in the cabin when its being changed<br />
- New rain/snow management for external cameras<br />
Rain and snow effects have been moved over external cameras, fixing previous graphical glitches of these effects<br />
- Added airport vehicles in EXTERIOR INSPECTION<br />
During an EXTERIOR INSPECTION, the 3D models of airport vehicles in service near the aircraft can be seen<br />
- New search bar for REAL TIME FLIGHTS<br />
Flights in real time can now be searched by aircraft type or flight ID, and selected on a real time world map<br />
- Updated Turbofan start/stop sound<br />
The start and shutdown sounds have been improved to be as close to the real sound as possible<br />
- New slider volume for airport vehicles and services SFX<br />
Airport vehicles and services sfx have been granted a dedicated slider to adjust this procedures audio levels.<br />
- Updated cockpit instruments<br />
Cockpit instruments have been improved to return a realistic and rewarding experience to the player<br /><br />

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