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* НАЗАД: вернуться в главное меню.
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=== 3.2 Изменить/Новое ===
::* РЕАЛЬНАЯ: погода будет соответствовать настоящей.
::* СЛУЧАЙНАЯ: случайные погодные условия.
<div id="4_Multiplayer" style="display:inline;"></div>
<div id="anchor3">'''3. MASTER CAUTION - ГЛАВНОЕ СИГНАЛЬНОЕ ТАБЛО''': показывает текущие предупредительные сигналы. Коснитесь, чтобы сбросить сигналы.</div><br/>
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<div id="anchor4">'''4. GROUND SYSTEMS - НАЗЕМНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ'''</div>
:'''FUEL''' — сдвиньте вправо/влево для перемещения топлива из одного бака в другой
Use virtual joysticks to inspect aircraft. Tap on EXTERIOR INSPECT. to open/close the checklist panel. Tap on EXIT to return to the aircraft.
Tap to open/close the checklist panel
:PREV - Go to previous checklist
:CLEAR - Delete current list
:NEXT - Go to next checklist
:CLOSE - Close the checklist
<br />
:Tap to open/close the currently selected sub-menu.
:Keep the button pressed and move up/down to select a different sub-menu (SYSTEMS, ENGINES, LIGHTS, FUEL, CHECKLIST).<br/>
:<div id="anchor5">'''5.1 SYSTEMS'''</div>
:'''HUD''' - switch HUD on/off
:'''WP HUD''' - switch WayPoints labels on/off
:'''AC HUD''' - switch other AirCraft labels on/off
:'''COMMS HUD''' - switch COMMS text on/off
:'''APU''' - AUXILIARY POWER UNIT: switch APU on/off
:'''ICE''' - switch deicing on/off
:'''SEAT BELTS''' - switch seat belts advise on/off
:'''NO SMOKING''' - switch no smoking advise on/off
:'''5.2 ENGINES'''
:For each engine:
:'''FIRE''' - Tap once to activate, tap again when ready to use extinguisher, will deactivate automatically after a few seconds if not used.
:'''ENG x N1 xx%''' - Tap once to start up the engine, ready when green; tap again to switch it off. Displays N1 (Low pressure compressor rotational speed) for each engine.
:'''THR xx%''' - Move up/down to adjust engines thrust separately.
:'''5.3 LIGHTS'''
:'''COCKPIT LIGHTS''' - keep the button pressed and move up/down to set cockpit lights
:'''NAV LIGHTS''' - switch navigation lights on/off
:'''LANDING LIGHTS''' - switch landing lights on/off
:'''TAXI LIGHTS''' - switch taxi lights on/off
:'''CABIN LIGHTS''' - keep the button pressed and move up/down to set cabin lights
:'''BEACON LIGHTS''' - switch beacon lights on/off
:'''STROBE LIGHTS''' - switch strobe lights on/off
:'''LOGO LIGHTS''' - switch logo lights on/off
:'''5.4 FUEL'''
:'''LEFT TANK''' - Tap to release fuel
:'''RIGHT TANK''' - Tap to release fuel
:'''FUEL''' - Move left/right to move fuel from one tank to the other