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RFS Release Note iOS/ko

1,006 bytes added, 4 years ago
Updating to match new version of source page
'''Real Flight Simulator v.0.8.9 - 2019-10-29'''<br/>
- New Ground Load management<br/>
Ground management is finally here! You can refuel/change load at any airport and will be able to see ground vehicles on HD airports when correctly parked. Have fun!<br/>
- New RFS Multiplayer Engine<br/>
It was hard work but we finally managed to provide a super smooth multiplayer flying experience. Enjoy formation flying or just look at incoming traffic at your favorite airport!<br/>
- New ACU<br/>
Ground Air conditioning Unit: finally some rest for your poor passengers waiting on the heated tarmac.<br/>
- New NAV options<br/>
When NAV is active on autopilot you can now set VS and manually adjust all other params.<br/>
- New ICE management<br/>
The ICE function is now working, use it to reduce Ice to avoid wings overload.<br/>
- New change language option<br/>
You are now able to change game language from the options menu.<br/>
- Bug fixes<br/>
…and many fixes and improvements as usual.<br/>
'''Real Flight Simulator v.0.8.8 - 2019-10-14'''<br/>

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