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RFS Release Note

676 bytes added, 3 years ago
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<!--T:250-->'''Real Flight Simulator v.1.3.4 - 2021-05-20'''<br />- New 3d Pilots model<br />- New 3d Pilots custom face<br />- New Central and Internal Cameras<br />- Reorganized cameras list<br />- Increased Weather data granularity<br />- Real Weather is now updated every hour<br />- Sound Settings in flight pause<br />- Added EFT (Estimated Flight Time) and distance in flight planning map<br /><br /> <!--T:251-->Bug Fixes:<br />- Updated A330 fuel consumption<br />- Increased turbulence effect<br />- A350 Mobile Off<br />- Fixed Gate selection 100/101<br />- Replay minor fixes (clouds position, follow camera)<br /><br /> <!--T:248-->'''Real Flight Simulator v.1 .3.2 - 2021-05-04'''<br />
- New aircraft A319ceo<br /><br />
Bug fixes:<br />
- Changed Weather/Nav Zoom label to Range nm<br />