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Real Flight Simulator/en

434 bytes added, 4 years ago
Updating to match new version of source page
::* PASSENGERS: Move the slider to change quantity
::* CARGO: Move the slider to change quantity
:'''METAR - DEPARTURE''': Sets your departure weather::* CUSTOM: move sliders to change weather settings::* REAL: real weather conditions::* RANDOM: random weather conditions:'''METAR - ARRIVAL''': Sets your arrival weather
::* CUSTOM: move sliders to change weather settings
::* REAL: real weather conditions
:Available only when on ground.
:Tap to open/close the currently selected sub-menu.
:Keep the button pressed and move up/down to select a different sub-menu (SYSTEMS, LOAD, EMERGENCY, EXTERIOR INSPECTION).<br/>
:'''4.1 SYSTEMS'''
:'''AMBULANCE''' - Tap once to activate/deactivate medical emergency.
:'''FIREFIGHTING VEHICLE''' - Tap once to activate/deactivate fire emergency. Tap on EXTINGUISHER to deliver extinguishing agents.
Tap on EXTERIOR INSPECTION to open ground check inspection view.
Use virtual joysticks to inspect aircraft. Tap on EXTERIOR INSPECT. to open/close the checklist panel. Tap on EXIT to return to the aircraft.
Tap to open/close the checklist panel
:PREV - Go to previous checklist
:CLEAR - Delete current list
:NEXT - Go to next checklist
:CLOSE - Close the checklist
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