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Real Flight Simulator

2,476 bytes added, 2 years ago
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* CREATE LIVERY: Proceed to web page [ RFS Liveries] to download livery templates (needs graphical package supporting .psd file format). Tutorial video instructions:<br/>
<div id="RouteSelection">=== 1.2 Route Selection === </div><!--T:55-->
Zoom in or out by pinching the map, smaller airports appear by zooming in more.<br/>
Search for real flights and fly them.<br/>
Zoom in or out by pinching the map.<br/>
Search for a flight on an aircraft using the map search bar by tapping on an airplaneentering the aircraft type or flight ID.<br/>Check Click on any aircraft on the map to display the flight details in the info box in the bottom right cornerinformation.<br/>
* BACK: Back to main menu
<div id="2_Advanced_Flight_Planner" style="display:inline;"></div>
::* PASSENGERS: Move the slider to change quantity
::* CARGO: Move the slider to change quantity
:'''METAR - DEPARTURE''': Sets your departure weather::* CUSTOM: move sliders to change weather settings::* REAL: real weather conditions::* RANDOM: random weather conditions:'''METAR - ARRIVAL''': Sets your arrival weather
::* CUSTOM: move sliders to change weather settings
::* REAL: real weather conditions
:* INVERT VERTICAL AXIS: Switch to normal or inverted virtual joystick's vertical axis
Scroll the first option to choose the gender of your pilot and co-pilot. Scroll the second option to choose the face.
:* CUSTOMIZE: Allows you to apply a customized face to your pilot by uploading a .png or .jpg image.
:* VOICE: Allows you to change the voice of your copilot.
<div id="6_Log_Book" style="display:inline;"></div>
===5.3 LOGBOOK=== <!--T:81-->
; For each activity
#[[#anchor18|CAMERA SETTINGS]]
:Available only when on ground.
:Tap to open/close the currently selected sub-menu.
:Keep the button pressed and move up/down to select a different sub-menu (SYSTEMS, LOAD, EMERGENCY, EXTERIOR INSPECTION).<br/>
:'''4.1 SYSTEMS'''
:[[File:RFS Manual Ground Systems.png|400px|none|middle|thumb]]
:'''GROUND POWER UNIT''' - External power supply. Tap once to activate/deactivate external power supply service.
:'''ACU''' - External Air Conditioning Unit
:'''AMBULANCE''' - Tap once to activate/deactivate medical emergency.
:'''FIREFIGHTING VEHICLE''' - Tap once to activate/deactivate fire emergency. Tap on EXTINGUISHER to deliver extinguishing agents.
Tap on EXTERIOR INSPECTION to open ground check inspection view.
Use virtual joysticks to inspect aircraft. Tap on EXTERIOR INSPECT. to open/close the checklist panel. Tap on EXIT to return to the aircraft.
Tap to open/close the checklist panel
:PREV - Go to previous checklist
:CLEAR - Delete current list
:NEXT - Go to next checklist
:CLOSE - Close the checklist
<br />
:Tap to open/close the currently selected sub-menu.
:Keep the button pressed and move up/down to select a different sub-menu (SYSTEMS, ENGINES, LIGHTS, FUEL, CHECKLIST).<br/>
:<div id="anchor5">'''5.1 SYSTEMS'''</div>
:'''NO SMOKING''' - switch no smoking advise on/off
:'''WIPERS''' - switch wipers ON/OFF
:For each engine:
:'''FIRE'''- Tap once to activate, tap again when ready to use extinguisher, will deactivate automatically after a few seconds if not used.
:'''ENG x N1 xx%''' - Tap once to start up the engine, ready when green; tap again to switch it off. Displays N1 (Low pressure compressor rotational speed) for each engine.
:'''FUEL''' - Move left/right to move fuel from one tank to the other
:'''5.5 CHECKLIST'''
:Tap to open/close the checklist panel
:'''PREV''' - Go to previous checklist
:'''CLEAR''' - Delete current list
:'''NEXT''' - Go to next checklist
:'''CLOSE''' - Close the checklist
<div id="anchor6">'''6. FLAPS'''</div>
'''FMC'''- Flight Management Computer: Open/close FMC panel.<br/>
'''CENTER'''- Center the map view on your airplane.<br/>
Once a waypoint has been selected, press:<br/>
"'''+'''" to add a new waypoint to your flight plan. It will be automatically added below the selected waypoint on the flight plan. If you have not selected anything from the flight plan, this waypoint will be added to the bottom of the list.<br/>
"'''Đ'''" (Direct to) icon to delete the entire flight plan and go directly to the selected waypoint.<br/><br/>
<div id="anchor18">'''18. CAMERA SETTINGS'''</div>
If enabled, tap to open camera settings
For cockpit cameras:
Press and drag on the buttons:<br/>
'''VERT.''' To adjust camera position<br/>
'''ANGLE''' To adjust the camera angle<br/>
Press '''RESET''' to reset the position<br/>
Press on monitor name to cycle between monitors<br/>
Press and hold on individual monitor name for one second and move up/down/right/left to select monitor.<br/>
If the monitor supports it, you can access its custom settings.<br/>
'''NAV''' and '''WEATHER''' have '''RANGE''' functionality to change zoom level
<div id="12_Aircraft" style="display:inline;"></div>
==9 AIRCRAFT AND LIVERIES== <!--T:102-->