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RFS Release Note iOS/tr

653 bytes added, 2 years ago
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'''Real Flight Simulator v.1.6.2 - 2022-07-13'''<br />
- New aircraft BOEING 747-200B<br />
Not a simple rework but a real model faithfully reconstructed from scratch to highlight an aircraft that made aviation history<br />
- Major rework on cockpit BOEING 747-200B<br />
An even more accurate cockpit with unique details for a model with old-world charm<br /><br />
Bug fixes:<br />
- Added pop-up window for surveys<br />
- Fixed Airbus PFD speed delta<br />
- Fixed "Reverse Thrust Not Working" with external controller<br />
- Updated "ResetViewKey" for external controller<br />
- Fixed ATC communication problem in some rare cases <br /><br />
'''Real Flight Simulator v.1.6.1 - 2022-06-29'''<br />
- New monitors for General Aviation<br />

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