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Real Flight Simulator

977 bytes added, 6 years ago
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<div id="anchor7">'''7. LANDING GEAR'''</div>
Press to extend the landing gear. Make sure to have an Air-Speed below "VLO" in order to extend it.
<div id="anchor8">'''8. SPOILER'''</div>
<div id="anchor9">'''9. GROUND BRAKE'''</div>
Switch on/off the Ground Brake.
<div id="anchor10">'''10. RUDDER'''</div>
Move left/right to operate the Rudder.
<div id="anchor11">'''11. CHANGE PANEL'''</div>
Press to switch multiple panel configuration.<br/>
Keep pressed for 1 second to quickly choose the desired panel<br/>
Keep pressed on single instrument for 1 second to customize each one.
<div id="anchor12">'''12. CHANGE CAMERA'''</div>
Press to switch multiple camera views.<br/>
Keep pressed for 1 second to quickly choose the desired camera view<br/>
<div id="anchor13">'''13. CUSTOMS DATA-LABELS'''</div>
<div id="anchor14">'''14. PLANNER MAP/FMC'''</div>
FMC: open/close FMC panel.<br/>
CENTER: center the map view on your plane<br/>
FMC panel:<br/>
- RMV: select a waypoint on the list and press RMV to remove it.<br/>
- NXT: select a waypoint on the list and press NXT to make it the next active waypoint.<br/>
- UP: select a waypoint on the list and press UP to move it to the upper position.<br/>
- DWN: select a waypoint on the list and press DOWN to move it to the lover position.<br/>
- CLR: clear all waypoints.<br/>
- DEP: active only if a departure airport exists in your flight plan. Press DEP to open the SID list, then choose a SID and press SELECT to activate it.<br/>
- ARR: active only if an arrival airport exists in your flight plan. Press ARR to open the STAR list, then choose a STAR and press SELECT to activate it.<br/>
- APP: active only if an arrival airport exists in your flight plan. Press APP to open the APPROACH list, then choose an APPROACH and press SELECT, then choose the TRANSITION and press SELECT to activate it.<br/>
<div id="anchor15">'''15. PAUSE'''</div>

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